The Carlist Board in the Guipuzcoa War. Your Requetés

The fund of the Carlist War Board of Guipúzcoa collects 3,300 affiliation files in the three Gipuzkoan Tercios - Oriamendi, San Ignacio and Zumalacárregui and those assigned to the Radio Requeté de Campaña (Transmissions) service - combining a set of 12,800 documents. In the documentary collection, the reference to the three hundred and seventy-seven Gipuzkoan requetés killed on the battlefields has been preserved. The highest numbered card, 4,226, makes us see that almost a thousand references of undoubted historiographic value have been lost, an important number, of course, but not so much that what is preserved cannot give new explanations for the active presence of multitude of Basques enrolled in the Tercios de requetés.
The importance of the Archive is highlighted in that its composition refers to the period in which the formation of said units is completely voluntary, therefore not subject to government recruitment. This characteristic allows a broad analysis that investigates the religious, political, etc. motives that prompted his enrollment in the Requeté and, of course, the socio-political reality of Guipúzcoa.
The existence of Biscayan volunteers reflected in the membership cards is explained by the fact that they were in Guipúzcoa at the time of the formation of said Tercios. Although the Unification Decree of April 37 issued by Franco ended the recruitment of volunteers for the Requeté militias, it gave time for the organization of two Biscayan thirds: that of Nuestra Señora de Begoña and the Ortiz de Zárate. Likewise, before the formation of the two previous Tercios, many of the Biscayan people participated in the Alava Tercios of Nuestra Señora de Estibaliz, Virgen Blanca and Nuestra Señora de Begoña (Álava)
The Tercio de Oriamendi was born in San Sebastián at the initiative of the Carlist War Board of Guipúzcoa in September 1936, a few days after the Reques from Navarre took the city. The Carlist War Board of Guipúzcoa was the administrative body formed by the Carlist leaders and guarantors of the Tradition, in charge of creating the various Tercios. In Guipúzcoa, those responsible for the highest organ of Carlism were Lieutenant Colonel Luis Barrios and the civilians Antonio Arrué, Francisco Juaristi, Ignacio Orbe, Benigno Oreja, José Eceibarrena and Antonio Olazábal.
The Tercio Oriamendi was formed by the company of San Martín de Loinaz, originally from Beasain, plus other volunteers from San Sebastián, Tolosa and Villafranca. The Tercio de San Ignacio was nourished by volunteers born in the regions of Azpeitia, Azcoitia, Zarauz, Zumaya, Cestona, finally, the Tercio de Zumalacárregui was nourished by the towns of Oñate, Vergara, Mondragón and others in the region.
The Tercio de Oriamendi distinguished itself from the beginning of the Vizcaya offensive and in the fighting on the Arechavaleta front for its tribute of blood, since in this offensive it had 127 casualties between dead and wounded, being among the first its commander Luís Guijosa Leguía . The fighting of Mondragón, Ochandiano, Saibigain, the Urquiola rocks ... mark their way to Bilbao
The Tercio de San Ignacio stood out in the combat of the Peña Lemona in June 1937, in which their four captains and 177 requetés of the 400 troops of the Tercio were “low blood”, being reduced to only one company.
The Tercio de Zumalacárregui also suffered significant casualties in the Vizcaya campaign with 270 fallen, among dead and wounded.
These Tercios, with others of the same traditionalist significance from Alava, Vizcaya and Navarra, were the spearhead of the National Army, integrated into the Brigades of Navarra, participating in the front line of the combats of the Northern Front, Brunete, Teruel, the battle of the Ebro and in the final offensive on the Levant.
The document search for the general public will probably be done using the surname field.
The files of the deceased are those that provide the most information, since it is noted where they fell, what was the wound that snatched them from the front, as well as the obituaries and obituaries published in the local press.

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